- Glassfish webserver 3.x
- ojdbc6.jar (or another version) Click here to download it.
Copy a jdbc driver to your application server and restart it:
copy ojdbc4dms.jar /myglassfishpath/domains/domain-1/lib
oasadmin restart-domain domain-1
- Configured and working Oracle database with this informations:
1) db usename = example: my_owner
2) db password = example: my_oracle_password
3) servername = example:
4) databasename = example:my_database
5) port: example 1523
5) custom jdbc url: example:
1- By glassfish web administrator:
1.1 Open your glassfish web application and insert your admin and password:
1.2 Resources / JDBC Connection Pools / NEW:
1.3 Configure a new JDBC connection Poll, for example Oracle:
2- By command line:
- To create a new datasource using asadmin:
asadmin> create-jdbc-connection-pool --restype javax.sql.DataSource
--datasourceclassname oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
--property "user=myuser:password=mypass: url=jdbc\\:oracle\\:thin\\
:@example.mydatabase.url.service\\:1521\\:MyPool" MyPool
(one line)
JDBC connection pool Emp_Perks-Pool created successfully. pmd-i1: JDBC connection pool Emp_Perks-Pool created successfully. pmd-i2: JDBC connection pool Emp_Perks-Pool created successfully. Command create-jdbc-connection-pool executed successfully.
- Test your connection:
asadmin> ping-connection-pool MyPool Command ping-connection-pool executed successfully.
More details from oracle
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